The BIBL decision regarding the game KB Trepca - KB Peja

The management of SIGAL UNIQA Balkan League took its decision regarding the incidents that occurred during the game KB Trepca - KB Peja. We remind you that the match was suspended with 05:33 minutes to play in the third quarter with the visitors leading 54-47.
Here is the full decision taken by the Balkan League management and the reasons behind it:
Already during the first quarter, with 03:46 to the end, objects were thrown from the audience against KB Peja players. This was the first time the game was stopped.
Then, with 02:30 until the end of the second quarter, again objects were thrown towards the players of KB Peja and the Crew Chief had to stop the game again. He informed the commissioner that if one more time something like that happened, he would suspend the game, awarding a score 0:20 to the hosts. The Commissioner advised him to finish the quarter and find solution during the half time together with the police and KB Trepca Management.
During the third quarter, with 05:33 to go, for a third-time objects were thrown towards the court. The Crew Chief and the Commissioner asked the police to take the spectators from this part of the tribune out of the hall. When those fans were escorted out, the referees decided to resume the game. The moment the Crew Chief blew his whistle, suddenly a rain of lighters, coins and similar small objects flew from all over the playing hall up of the referees and the visiting team players.
The referees were forced to run away to the locker room where on the way one of the referees – Mr. Ervin Koci was hit in the head by a lighter.
KB Peja players and staff had to hid under the protection shield until they felt safe enough to cross the court to their locker room too. Their player Jamie Billie was hit on the face by one of the flying objects. A civilian, supposedly from the city of Mitrovica, came to their bench area attacking everybody their verbally.
Immediately after this incident happened, Mr. Shay Shtriks was in constant online contact with the Crew Chief and the Commissioner. When he understood all the details he accepted their opinion that the game could not be continued as they both felt it was not safe enough for anyone inside the hall anymore. This is why the BIBL Sports Director had to agree with them not to resume the game after which he informed the President of Kosovo federation Mr. Erolld Belegu of his decision.
Then, Mr. Shtriks asked the Commissioner to arrange safe transportation to the referees and KB Peja out of the gym and all the way to their destinations. From his report, Mr. Shtriks understood that the KB Trepca Management and the police did their best to provide safe return to everybody.
For nine playing seasons, this was the second time a game was stopped and could not be resumed due to spectator’s severe misbehavior and acts of violence towards participants.
Basketball is a clean and beautiful sport, watched by children, women and families. We will have zero tolerance to events like this and we will not allow our games to be turned into arena for hooliganism and gang fights. We are fully devoted to our principals of pure basketball game, good organization and equal and fair conditions to all participants.
Having in consideration all the above-written along with the official reports of the game incidents but in favor of not influencing the final standings of KB Trepca in the First Stage of SIGAL UNIQA Balkan League, SIGAL UNIQA Balkan League hereby imposes the following sanctions as per Official Regulations:
1. Loss by forfeit 20:0, but with 1 point for the classification.
2. Due to the fact that there were injured players and team members, a maximum fine of 5000 euro (five thousand).
3. A limited number of spectators – maximum of 300 – for next home game of KB Trepca. They can be seated only in the area opposite to the team benches.
According to the BIBL official Regulations, in case of such accidents, the club cannot continue competing before depositing again the full amount of the deposit to the League.
KB Trepca is given a deadline to do so not later than Tuesday, 17.01.2017 – 12:00 CET.
BIBL strongly believes that the awful incident from Wednesday evening will never happen again either in Kosovo, or in the competition.
No Games Scheduled |
Delasport Balkan League 2023/2024 Regular Season | |||
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8 - 2 | 18 |
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6 - 4 | 16 |
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